Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Left over Christmas Lush goodies!

Although I love shopping in Lush all year round, their Christmas stock has always been my favourite! And last year I got a little bit carried away...leaving me with some left over goodies!

Their were a lot of new things that I'd never tried before....so naturally I felt obliged to buy them all...and I'm not sorry...
Left over Lush goodies!

But anyway, moving on...
The products that I have in these pictures are what I was left with after Christmas:
- Christmas penguin bubble bar.
- Shoot for the stars bath ballistic.
- Golden wonder bath ballistic.
- Magic wand babble bar.
- Father Christmas bath ballistic.

The only two that I've used before are the 'Magic wand bubble bar' and the 'Father Christmas bath ballistic', which I both love!

The 'Magic wand bubble bar' smells very similar to the Snow fairy shower gel, just not as sweet. Its one of my favourite bubble bars from lush because the idea is you swish it around in your bath, it makes tones of bubbles and turns your bath water all pink and beautiful. Also you can get about four or five baths out of it.

The 'Father Christmas bath ballistic' is my all time favourite bath ballistic from lush! It has a really fruity smell and turns your bath water from bright red to green. I absolutely love it and I feel like not enough people rave about it.

I can't wait to try out the others, as I've heard some pretty good reviews on them!

Anyone else have any left over Christmas Lush goodies? :)


Fresh start, New year, New blog?

Hello there, my name is Sarah, I'm 18 years young and i'm mostly described as a Beauty, Fashion and Pizza fanatic!

Late last year after spending my night reading some of my favorite beauty and fashion blogs, I decided I wanted to start writing my own. So here I am........Hi :)

Thank you to everyone who takes the time to read and/or show an interest in what I have to say and I hope you enjoy!