Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Movie Review: The Shining

Heeeere's Johnny!

Yet another Stanley Kubrick movie that I've only just watched. Seriously, seriously late to the band wagon with this one! 

Stanley Kubrick's cold and frightening 'The Shining' definitely stands out from any other horror movie of it's time. Also an unforgettable performance by Jack Nicholson as the tortured soul of Jack Torrance. You feel like you're becoming as mad as Jack while watching, building up cabin fever and fear in a mixture of nauseous scenes. The movies follows a married couple with a small son who are employed to look after a resort hotel high in the Colorado mountains. Despite being warned about the tragedy that occurred during the winter of 1970, they accept the job. As a result they are sole occupants of the resort for the entire winter. Settling into their routine, Danny and Wendy explore the hotel, inside and out, while jack sets up shop in the cavernous lounge. As Danny starts to have disturbing and graphic visions of the past and a blocked Jack starts showing strange and violent behavior, Wendy soon discovers what Jack has really been doing in his study all day, and what the hotel has done to Jack. 

Like many other Stanley Kubrick movies, this movie isn't for the fainthearted. It contains graphic and slightly 'strange' scenes. It's definitely what you would call, a very artsy movie! 
The unhurried pace, Extended dialogue scenes and those sudden, sinister inter-titles("1 Month later" "4pm") contribute to the feeling of unease throughout the film. 

The Shining is definitely one of my favorite 'horror' movies! I just personally love how strange and sinister it is. And the cinematography is incredible! Giving the impression of momentum throughout out the entire movie. 

Now, I'm going to say something which a lot of people will probably disagree with, but as much as I LOVE Stephen King, I actually enjoyed the movie better than the book. Please don't hate me.


Thursday, 24 September 2015

Movie Review: A Clockwork Orange

Oh, A Clockwork Orange...

Before I start this review, I just want to say that this movie is definitely not for the fainthearted!

A Clockwork Orange was one of the most controversial movies of it's time, mainly because Stanley Kubrick glorified a certain type of unprincipled violence, and presented it in a spectacular, colorful and artistic way. The movie follows Alex, a classical music loving thug and his 'droogs' who spend their nights getting high at the Korova Milkbar before embarking on "A little of the old ultra-violence". 

Alex is seen as handsome and charming after he draws you in by narrating his way through the movie. You almost gloss over the fact that his workday acts include thievery and brutality. He is, in effect, inviting us to enjoy; just as we would watching reality T.V, or reading tabloid papers. The film gives you an direction into understanding a corrosion of society, and personally that's why I believe A Clockwork Orange is one of Kubricks finest masterpieces. 

After Alex is throw in jail, he submits himself to the 'Ludovico Behavior Modification Technique' to earn his freedom. He is conditioned thorough watching gory movies, so that his violent thoughts are turned against him. After being returned to the world defenseless, Alex becomes the victim in every situation where he was previously the culprit. Alex's violence may have been horrific, but the state's oppressive 'treatment' is another violent act, rather than a solution. 

The movies is full of vivid eye catching costumes and sets, and half of the dialog is done in slang. I think the aesthetic provides a necessary distancing between the spectator and the acts of horror that are splashed throughout the movie. I think the movies is very engaging, and definitely makes you contemplative about your own sense of morality.
It's obvious that a large percentage of people who watch this film are just in it for the shock value, but underneath all of the violence and horror there's an amazing and artistic film that highlights the bleakest parts of human behavior for us to laugh at in disgust. Some people could argue that nowadays, there's no attention paid to anything, just an endless feeding to audiences who have developed a strong taste for, as Alex would say "The good old ultra-violence".


Thursday, 10 September 2015

Movie Junkie: Reviews!

Hey Everyone!

I'm so excited to announce a new 'Series' coming to my blog very soon! Movie Reviews!

If you didn't know, I am a serious movie addict. So much so, that we are the number 1 customers at our local movie store.

I have seen a worrying large amount of movies for a 20 year old girl! But I've gotten into a bit of a rut lately. I find myself re watching movies that I've already seen a thousand times; Which isn't a bad thing, But I think it's time to branch out and watch some movies which I have yet to see. And, review them for you guys!

For my birthday my sister got me this.

It's full of movies that I have heard so much about, but never actually got around to watching. So I can't wait to check some of those out.

I'm so excited to start this series. and I've already got a few movies lined up. 

One last thing before I go. I MIGHT also throw in a few T.V/Netflix series reviews in here when I can! Whoop Whoop! To the couch!
