Thursday, 10 September 2015

Movie Junkie: Reviews!

Hey Everyone!

I'm so excited to announce a new 'Series' coming to my blog very soon! Movie Reviews!

If you didn't know, I am a serious movie addict. So much so, that we are the number 1 customers at our local movie store.

I have seen a worrying large amount of movies for a 20 year old girl! But I've gotten into a bit of a rut lately. I find myself re watching movies that I've already seen a thousand times; Which isn't a bad thing, But I think it's time to branch out and watch some movies which I have yet to see. And, review them for you guys!

For my birthday my sister got me this.

It's full of movies that I have heard so much about, but never actually got around to watching. So I can't wait to check some of those out.

I'm so excited to start this series. and I've already got a few movies lined up. 

One last thing before I go. I MIGHT also throw in a few T.V/Netflix series reviews in here when I can! Whoop Whoop! To the couch!


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