Tuesday, 25 February 2014


I always find it completely satisfying once I completely use up a product. There's nothing worse than having a draw or a shower completely jam packed full of half empty products! So for the past few weeks, I've been trying my best to use up all my 'half empty' products and I thought I'd give you a little review on each one.

Left to right: St. Ives Skin Firming Moisturizer, Wella Pro Series Repair Shampoo And Conditioner, Cover Girl Lash Blast Length Mascara, Macadamia Deep Repair Masque, LOreal Paris Liss Ultime Nuit

St. Ives Skin Firming Moisturizer- This moisturizer has lasted me SOOO long! It's unbelievable. I picked it up ages ago from our local supermarket because I'd never herd of a 'Skin firming' moisturizer, and it was super cheap. I'm not even sure if they still sell it? But anyway, I found it to be a wonderful moisturizer! I'm not sure about the whole 'Skin firming' part...But my skin did look a lot more hydrated after I applied it. The only thing I wasn't sure about was the smell. It was one of those products where I couldn't figure out whether I loved or hated the smell, and I'm still not sure even after finishing the entire bottle.Other than that, for a drugstore moisturizer its amazing.

Cover Girl Lash Blast Length Mascara- This mascara was my 2013 staple and I wore it to death! It's amazing if you want longer(maybe not thicker) natural looking lashes. I've got the water proof one there, which I accidentally picked up instead of the original. I usually wouldn't go for the waterproof alternative because I find them to be such a pain in the butt, but this one wasn't exactly 'Waterproof' and came off as soon as I got in the shower. So if you're looking for an affordable, natural looking mascara, definitely check this one out.

Macadamia Deep Repair Masque- This is probably my favorite hair masque at the moment...and believe me, I have a lot! I honestly have nothing bad to say about it. It smells good, it makes my hair soft and easier to manage, it even hydrates my hair. If I had one bad thing to say about it, it would be that you don't get a huge amount of product so it doesn't last as long as some of my others..

Wella Pro Series Repair Shampoo and Conditioner- I was pleasantly surprised by these products. I had just ran out of my 'Herbal Essence' Shampoo and Conditioner and these were the only others sitting in the shower, so I thought I'd use them in the meantime. And after just one wash I was so impressed! Maybe because I wasn't really expecting anything? But it made my hair look and feel sooo soft! Plus it didn't dry it out like some drugstore Shampoo and conditioners do.

LOreal Paris Liss Ultime Nuit Smoothing Night Treatment- Another products I've had sitting in my collection for ages! Lots of salon products disappoint me...maybe because I expect more of them? But I really did like this one. I use it as a leave in conditioner and apply it to my hair in the evening when it's been towel dried. It's completely non-greasy and it made my hair so much easier to style in the morning. Also, I'm not sure if they sell this exact treatment anymore? I bought it quite a while ago...sorry.


Saturday, 22 February 2014

The Little Things In Life...

Has anyone else had one of those days where you stay at home expecting it to be unproductive and just plain boring, and it actually ends up being really cool! Yeah, I had one of those days yesterday...

I woke up at about midday so I knew I wasn't going to get that much done, and it was super windy and cold outside and I wasn't in the best of moods. I grabbed my breakfast and sat down with mum when my little brother Tom and his friend Tristan came in asking to use my mums kite, which she got for Christmas. I wasn't really that interested since I was still half asleep...But after looking out the window and seeing them goofing around, I thought I'd join in with what ever they were doing.

Even though flying a kite sounds really simple, and not too exciting...it really did put me in the best mood for the rest of the day. Probably because my brother knows how to make the best out of every situation, and when him and Tristan are together they're just the funniest. Plus, Cookie(my dog) was being a super cutie. So I thought I'd give you a little preview of what we got up too...

See that little dot...Yeah, that was our kite...
Cookies many wonderful facial expressions.
Apparently they were listening to the wind through the string...??
My favorite photo of the day. Cookie and Tristan <3

So yeah, that was my wonderful day! Just goes to show, sometimes it's the little things in life that can cheer you up the most.


Friday, 14 February 2014

Valentines Day + Tag?

Hello everyone!

First off, how was your Valentines Day? What did you get up to?

I spent the day at home....Might sound boring, but I really enjoyed myself. Me and my mum decided to spend the evening watching soppy romantic movies and stuff our faces with 75% off Valentines day chocolate(The best part about Valentines day), sweeties and anything else we could get our hands on. While my brother spent some time with his girlfriend making forts in his bedroom...Aww, young love! <3

(Source: Google)

I love Valentines day! Not really too sure why? I just find it sweet, having a day dedicated to showing someone how much you love them. Whether it be your partner, friends or family. Oh yeah...and the reduced prices on chocolate. Yum!

Now secondly, the other day I woke up to an email saying, someone(Sam) had 'nominated' me for the 'Liebster Award'. I was very happy but also a little confused as I'd never herd of it before, so I decided to do a little research...

Basically the 'Liebster Award is an award/tag that is passed through different blogs to help new bloggers, with less than 200 followers, get noticed. The blogger that it's nominated to must answer 11 questions and then pass it on with eleven new questions. So here we go...

Q. What is your most worn nail polish?
A. Opi- Into the night

Q. Coffee, tea or hot chocolate?
A. Hot Chocolate

Q. Would you rather buy make-up or skin care?
A. Make- up!

Q. What is your favorite season?
A. Winter...I love the cold!

Q. What is your most loved make-up product?
A. My L'Oreal true match foundation

Q. What are your favorite online shopping websites?
A. Peppermayo for clothes and Feel unique for make-up

Q. What would you say is your biggest personality flaw?
A. I get addicted to things really easily! Not bad things like drugs etc...but t.v shows, games, and other really random things..?

Q. If you had to pick one, would you rather wear eyeliner or mascara?
A. Mascara. I don't think you're eye make-up looks finished without mascara.

Q. What is one skin care product you cannot live without?
A. I'm loving the sugar crush body wash from Soap and glory at the moment.

Q. Are you a morning, afternoon, or evening person?
A. I'm definitely not a morning person! I'd say evening...I stay up waaay to late!

Q. What is one thing most people would never guess about you?
A. Hmmm...well one thing people never BELIEVE about me is that when I was little I lived next door to David and Victoria Beckham. I like to think that's my claim to fame..

So there you have it. Some things you may, or may not have known about me.
So the people I'm tagging will be listed down below, but even if you haven't been tagged do feel free to join in and tag other 'newbie' bloggers.

1. Marlene
2. Carly
3. Margaret
4. Karen
5. Ruby

For the bloggers I've nominated, how about answering all the questions I was given. I had a lot of fun answering them and thought you guys might want to as well. Make sure to tag me once you've answered them so I can jump over and have a read.


Monday, 3 February 2014

LUSH Valentines Cosmetics: Review.

Hello everyone!

The other day, my mum and I decided to do a bit of shopping and of course I had to make a quick trip into LUSH. Now when it comes to limited addition stock in lush such as Christmas and Halloween products, I always know exactly when there coming out and get super hyped up. But when it comes to their Valentines day stock I always seem to forget about it...so I was pleasantly surprised when I saw a table full of pretty pink, sweet smelling cosmetics.

'The Kiss Lip Gloss'
 'Love Locket Bath Ballistic'
 'Close To You Massage Bar'

I didn't pick up too much as I was a little short on cash, but I did pick up enough to be able to have a nice relaxing pamper evening once I got home. So as I've used them all now I thought I'd give you guys a quick review.

The first product which captured my eye was the 'Love Locket Bath Ballistic'. It is hugeeee! As soon as I picked it up one of the ladies working there came bouncing up to me and said "If you break open the locket(bath ballistic) there's a smaller heart inside of it'. I was sold! How cool does that sound. But like the dummy I am, before my bath I forgot to crack it open and just chucked it straight in....oh well. Once it dissolved, the bath water turned pink and there were little paper hearts everywhere...so cute! It smells beautiful...in between a citrus and floral scent(I'm the worst person at describing smells). And the smell also lingered in the bathroom for quite a while, although sadly not too long on my skin. Other than that, I'd say it's a very luxurious bath ballistic, perfect for an indulgent Valentines day treat.

RRP: £6.95
The second product I purchased was the 'Close To You' massage bar. I LOVE massage bars so much! If you don't know what a massage bar is, it's a bar you use to massage yourself...(obviously), and they're just filled with loads of essential oils that make your feel skin silky smooth. This massage bar smells a lot like 'Creamy Candy Bubble Bar', which I love also. It moisturized my skin so well and the smell lingered on my skin for a good while. This massage bar is definitely one to buy for Valentines.

RRP: £5.50

And last but not least I picked up 'The Kiss' Lip gloss. I've never tried a lip gloss or lip tint from LUSH, so I was excited to try this one. First of all, it smells beautiful..really nice and fruity. I would say it's more of a balm than a gloss, even though it does give your lips a slightly sheen look as a lip gloss would. It's super creamy and the texture is a lot like a massage bar. And last but not least it leaves the slightest Pearly pink tint on your lips which I love! If there had to be one real downside, it would be that it's very hard to resist eating it while its on your lips...other than that I'm obsessed! 
RRP: £5.75
So that is everything I got from LUSH...I was going to pick up the prince charming shower gel, but I found the smell to be slightly odd and I wasn't too sure whether it was my kind of scent...
But anyway I hope these little reviews now make you want to go out to LUSH and treat yourself. I'd definitely recommend all the products that I bought, and if you've tried any of their other Valentines day stock leave a comment saying which ones and if you liked them! :)
