Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Christmas and New Years

Hello Everyone!

I'm going to keep this blog post short and sweet, only because I have a ridiculously large amount of photos to go with it.

Christmas was amazing this year! We spent Christmas eve and Christmas morning with my sister and her fiance. Opening stockings, playing silly games and drinking the sweetest hot chocolate I've ever tasted! Which probably wasn't the best thing to have at 7:00am. 

After spending the morning at my sisters, me, my mum, and Tom all made our way back home to relax and give out the last of our presents. It turned out to be a really good day and I got some lovely gifts!

New Years was a bit different. As my brother is the only person in the house who actually has a life, he decided to go out to a New Years Eve party, while me and my mum sat at home eating chocolate and watching YouTube....Oh what exciting lives we lead.
In all honesty though, it was quite nice to just stay in and relax on New Years for a change. I'll save the raging parties for next year. 

OH!! How could I forget! 1 year ago today I wrote my first ever blog post! Woohoo! Thank you so much if you read my blog, it does mean a lot to me! So here's to another year of weird, random and occasionally insightful blog posts! 

I hope you all had an amazing Christmas and New Year! 
Now here are some photos of what we got up to...ENJOY! 


The sweetest hot chocolates EVER! 
Cookie and her presents

The cats enjoying their present

The Christmas Excitement is real! 
Me and Muma Bear on New Years!

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