Monday, 13 June 2016

Return of the Blogger Block!

Oh no! It's happened again!

It's been a whole month since you've last heard from me on here! And this all comes down to the fact that my brain machine isn't cooperating! I'm finding it so hard to gather inspiration to write a blog post! What's wrong with me? I love writing! It's one of my favorite things to do in my spare time! So blogging every week should be a breeze right? Well, no! Ughhh! It's so frustrating, when all you want to do is write and nothing comes out!
I really want to start blogging more! I find it so therapeutic and it really seems to help my anxiety.
So here's to getting back to blogging! Cheers... 

Even though the tumble weeds may be gathering up over here, I have been pretty active on my Youtube channel. Making videos is another thing I love to do in my spare time! I guess its just a visual version of my blog. I have a few videos in the mix so make sure to head over and subscribe so you don't miss out on them!

Hmm what else has been happening?
 Oh here's something! Out of the blue I decided to hop on the band wagon and start watching American Horror Story. I don't know why It's taken me this long to start watching it, I mean it's a combination of my two favorite things, horror and Evan Peters. I've watched season 1 and 4, and am starting season 2 now.(I know, weird order)
I'm not sure how I feel about it? It's good, and some parts definitely reminded me of something out of a Stanley Kubrick film which I loved! It's very dark, which I like, but sometimes I feel like they take it a bit too far. I don't know, maybe that's my anxiety talking. I definitely have enjoyed the two seasons I've seen so far, and if you have some spare time I'd recommend giving it a watch.
I'm thinking of doing a review of seasons 1-5 on my Youtube channel, or even on here, once I've watched them all. We'll see?

Also one last thing! I have an instagram now! Well I've had it for ages just never shared it with anyone, so HERE it it! Go giz is a follow! <3


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