Saturday, 27 February 2016

Candy Yum Yum: Drugstore Dupe


So, if you're a fan of the ever so famous Mac lipsticks, particularly Candy yum yum, you're in luck!
About a year ago, I took a trip to the UK, otherwise know as the land of insanely cheap makeup!
I'm sure to the people living over there It's not that cheap, but try coming over here! Wowee, the makeup is expensive! Even from the drugstore!
 I went on a bit of a rampage whilst I was over there, and came back with about half a suitcase full of makeup. So what Sarah? Get to the point! Okay, okay!
The other day I was snooping around my makeup collection, finding new things that could definitely use a bit more love. And there it was! The Barry M Lipstick in No. 52 'Shocking Pink'!
 So what? you may ask. Well, this particular Barry M lipstick happens to be the spitting image of Mac's much pricier Candy Yum Yum. 

This lipstick is amazing! Not only is the colour spot on, but it's also matte like Candy yum yum, the staying power is just as good, and it's only a fraction of the price. So If you're into your Mac Lippies, or Barbie Pinks, I'd highly recommend you try this out! 

Thank me later.

Mac- 'Candy Yum Yum

Barry M- No. 52 'Shocking Pink'


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