Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Health and Fitness #7: Holiday Lifestyle.

Hey, hey, hey!

So as some of you may know, I've just got back from my AMAZING holiday in Singapore and England. You can read all about it in THIS blog post. 

When you're on holiday, I feel as though you're almost obliged to eat crap. You're trying new cultural foods, constantly going out to eat with friends and family, and every time you say "Oh, sorry I can't eat that..I'm on a diet", the only response you will ever get is "Who cares, you're on holiday". 

Basically, what I'm trying to say the three week space that I was on holiday, I probably ate the same amount of food that I consumed in the entirety of 2012. So I guess you could say my diet wasn't exactly 'going well'. But now that I'm back, I've got a fresh start and I'm ready to get back on track. I am going to miss all the pizza's though....not so much the pizza hangovers. Yes, a pizza hangover is a thing. Click on THIS to see ;) 

I think that's all I really have to say? Just remember, if you're on holiday and you're on a diet, It's okay to splurge....I mean who cares, you're on holiday ;)

OH ALSO! I got a new Tumblr account! So you can follow me HERE! :)

I feel like this blog post is just full of plugs....sorry!

(Source: Google)


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