Sunday, 24 August 2014

England and Singapore Adventures- The Vlogs!

Hello there!

As you may know, me and my family recently came home from our exciting holiday in Singapore AND England! If you didn't, I've written a whole blog post about it HERE if you want to go and give that a read. But today I have for you....THE VLOGS! 

Before we left I knew I wanted to vlog our holiday, only because instead of 'traditionally' taking photos I thought taking videos would be something a bit different; And for me personally I feel that in 10, 20 or even 50 years time, looking back on a video instead of photos would be a lot more real and enjoyable. I've shown my family the vlogs and they all LOVE the idea! I definitely think it's something more and more people are going to start doing. But without further a are my England and Singapore Vlogs! :) 



Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Health and Fitness #7: Holiday Lifestyle.

Hey, hey, hey!

So as some of you may know, I've just got back from my AMAZING holiday in Singapore and England. You can read all about it in THIS blog post. 

When you're on holiday, I feel as though you're almost obliged to eat crap. You're trying new cultural foods, constantly going out to eat with friends and family, and every time you say "Oh, sorry I can't eat that..I'm on a diet", the only response you will ever get is "Who cares, you're on holiday". 

Basically, what I'm trying to say the three week space that I was on holiday, I probably ate the same amount of food that I consumed in the entirety of 2012. So I guess you could say my diet wasn't exactly 'going well'. But now that I'm back, I've got a fresh start and I'm ready to get back on track. I am going to miss all the pizza's though....not so much the pizza hangovers. Yes, a pizza hangover is a thing. Click on THIS to see ;) 

I think that's all I really have to say? Just remember, if you're on holiday and you're on a diet, It's okay to splurge....I mean who cares, you're on holiday ;)

OH ALSO! I got a new Tumblr account! So you can follow me HERE! :)

I feel like this blog post is just full of plugs....sorry!

(Source: Google)


Sunday, 3 August 2014

A Pop Of Color: Ombre.

Hello everyone!

As some of you know, for quite a while now I've been in constant battle with my hair! Although thankfully I've recently been able to tame it by getting it permanently straightened. But one other major flaws in my hair is what I like to call my 'Reverse Ombre'. What the heck is 'Reverse Ombre' you might ask? Well about two years ago now I made the courageous decision to dye my hair for the first time. My natural hair color is dark blonde/mousy brown, but I wanted a I decided to dye my hair dark brown. 
I quite liked it at first but little did I know what a giant pain in the butt it was going to be. 

Personally, I feel that when girls with naturally brunette hair dye it blonde, their re growth doesn't start to look bad for a good while; but when girls who have naturally blonde hair dye it brunette, their re growth looks HORRIBLE! I feel like it almost looks like you have little grey/white hairs sprouting as the blonde re growth looks so light next to the dark brown, plus it feel like it takes FOREVER to grow back out. 

At the moment my hair doesn't look too bad. My re growth has grown about 4-5 inches but it doesn't look nearly as bad as it once was as it's slowly blending into the brown(dyed) ends of my hair. Although when I'm out and about in the sun, it is quite noticeable. 

So getting to the point...
I went out and bought a DIY Ombre kit which I've herd a lot of good reviews on recently, in the hope that if I'm feeling courageous again, I might dye the ends of my hair blonde. Just so I'm able to create a mousy brown to blonde Ombre instead of the mousy brown to dark brown 'reverse Ombre' I've got going on at the moment. 

Also one more thing I wanted to add. Lately, floating around the internet I've seen the trend of 'Colored Ombre' which I'm sure many of you would have already seen too. It's almost like a dip dye. Basically it's when you add a 'Non Human' or 'Unnatural' colored dye to the lower lengths of your hair. And I'm LOVING it! It's so tempting! Although I'm not sure my hair could withhold that amount of dye, especially after having the ends lightened. 

(Source: Google)

(Source: Google)

(Source: Google)

(Source: Google)

(Source: Google)

If I do end up dying my hair, I'll be sure to write a review on the box kit etc. 

Has anyone else reading this added a crazy color to the ends of their hair before?
