Wednesday, 30 April 2014

April Favorites.

Hello everyone!

What the heck!? It's May already?! That means it's the end of April....obviously! So now that April is over, I thought I'd share with you everything that I've been loving this month!...and I've actually REALLY been loving them!

The first is my favorite 'Favorite' of the month, although I'd don't have a picture of it...or I should say 'them'. I have been absolutly LOVING 5 Seconds Of Summer! I was lucky enough to go and see One Direction live last year, and that was the first time I saw or had really even herd of 5 Seconds Of Summer. The second they came on stage I completely fell in love! Their music is incredible, and they're sooo talented! But anyway...this month I'm loving their new song 'She Looks So Perfect', and I've pretty much been playing it every day. 

My second 'Favorite' of the month has been coconut oil! Everyone knows that Coconut oil can be used for so many different things, but I've mainly just been using it for my hair. It is an amazing oil to use as a hair mask, if you feel that your hair just needs a bit of a pick me up; and apparently it also encourages hair growth, and who doesn't want long 'Tumblr' like hair?

Next is my ARTDECO brow powder in number '517'. It's the perfect color for me and it has incredible staying power! I even find it hard to wash off at the end of the day. Also, it's super pigmented and...I just love it.

Now I'm quite fussy when it comes to hairspray, but I am in love with this one! It's the perfect in between hairspray. By that I mean, it doesn't make your hair crunchy but it's able to hold your hair in place...up to a certain extent. Also, it smells beautiful. Sometimes I find my self spraying it in my hair just because it smells so good. ;)

And the last thing that I've been loving this month is Nicki Minaj's Pink Friday perfume...I think that's what it's called? I bought this quite a while ago and then kind of forgot about it. When I first bought it, it was my staple perfume and I wore it every day. Once her newest perfume came out I was super excited to smell it as I loved her first one so much, but I really didn't like the smell of the new one...which was kind of disappointing. Anyway, I've been loving this perfume again and if you haven't smelled it definitely go and check it out; especially if you're really into sweet and fruity scents. 

So they are all my favorites of the month. If you've also written an 'April Favorite' blog post make sure to leave a link in my comments so I can jump over and give it a read!


Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Health and Fitness #3: Fitness Playlist + Your Tea.

Hello everyone!

It's time for a new 'Health and Fitness' post! Yaaay.

It's been almost a month since I've started eating healthy, although I'm only just getting into a regular exercise routine...And as much as it shocks me, I'm actually really enjoying cardio!

I've been running a little and also following along with a few cardio workouts on YouTube which I'm really enjoying. The only bad thing about cardio for me personally, is that I find it really hard to 'keep going' or complete a workout without stopping; Sooo the other day whilst jumping and dancing around my room getting ready for the day, I had an idea. Dancing around my room to one direction songs like a maniac never tires me out, and I could do it for hours if i wanted why couldn't running be that easy? 

The next day I decided to run up and down my garden with my iPod and listen to the songs I'd usually listen to whilst gallivanting around my room. Surprisingly, it actually did make a huge difference! I think I stopped once but I definitely picked up the pace! Also once I'd finished I couldn't believe I'd just ran for about 15 minutes straight...when I could only usually run for about 5 before.

I find running with a playlist of songs so much easier, mainly because you're running to a beat...Plus music just puts you in a good mood! So if you're interested I'll list a few of the songs I have on my 'Fitness Playlist' that keep me motivated and also help me to workout at a reasonably fast pace. 

1. Cobra Starship: You Make Me Feel.
2. Nicki Minaj: Starships.
3. One Direction: Happily.
4. The Pussycat Dolls: Don't Cha.
5. Little Mix: Move.
6. One Direction: C'mon C'mon.
7. One Direction: Up All Night.

A lot of One Direction, but who doesn't love a bit of 1D ;) 

Oh, and one more thing! I've recently purchased Your Tea's 28 day Tiny Teatox which I'm super excited to try out! I'll be sure to do a review on it once I've finished the whole box. 


Tuesday, 22 April 2014

10 Years Of Mean Girls.

What!?!? It's been 10 years since one of the most iconic, and one of my personal favorite movies came out! I love everything about it, it's just perfection to me. If you haven't seen it, then what are you doing with your life?

Its crazy to think how much of an impact a movie can have on so many people....and still have that same influence ten years later! Probably because 1. It's hilarious! And 2. its just so relatable. When you're in high school there will be cliques and bitchiness and guy problems, so people watch the movie and can relate to situations, feelings or even characters. For example every girl is curious as to whats its like to be super popular in high school or being a part of 'The Plastics', and this movies gives a kind of insight into what its like...not that I have any idea what it was like to be 'popular' at school. 

I remember being petrified going into high school after watching this movie, but luckily my school wasn't quite as harsh. Although there was one girl who was like Reginas twin! But by the end of our last year of school she ended up loosing a whole lot of her friends by being so..'Regina-y'. Haha. I'm sure at one point there was even some burn book going around. 

So since it's Wednesday today I thought I'd grab a pink blanket, turn on the heater and watch.... MEAN GIRLS! Duh.

There are so many amazing and memorable moments in Mean Girls that are still referred to, to this I thought I'd share with you some of my favorites.

(Source: Google)

(Source: Google)

(Source: Google)

(Source: Google)

(Source: Google)

(Source: Google)
Glen Coco: The only supporting character to exist for two seconds in a movie and become the most memorable and beloved characters from the 2000's.


Saturday, 19 April 2014


Hello everyone! 

Haaaappy Easter! 

Oh don't you just love Easter? The one day a year when you can eat yourself into a chocolate coma and not feel guilty...just extremely sick!

I'm not really sure what the point of this blog post is, I just thought I'd share with you what I've been up to today...why not?

So my day started when I was woken up by our rooster at 5am! The other day my mum was super excited and happy! So naturally, me and my brother instantly thought she'd won money on a scratchy or she'd been given a bonus at work...but no. She was excited, because our new rooster had learnt to crow...

Anyway, like I was 5am I was woken up by this horrible screeching noise. It sounded like a goat was being murdered on our front lawn. After dragging myself out of bed and opening the curtain, I discovered that the high pitched screaming was coming from our rooster. Me being the weirdo that I am, it immediately reminded me of THIS...just in case you were interested. 

After getting a few more hours sleep, I woke up to a glorious collection of chocolate...YUM! Thanks Easter Bunny ;) 

Sooo much chocolate!
It's worrying that i ate this whole bunny in under 30 minutes..
A boy and his bunny.
My bunny's better than yours because it has a Mohawk ;)

It is now currently 2:14pm, and after watching a collection of movies and devouring about three quarters of the chocolate...I'm in a large amount of pain and don't think I'll be getting off the couch for the rest of the day.

I hope you're all having a fabulous day too and eat buckets and buckets of chocolate! 



Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Health and Fitness #2: Rough Start.

Hello everyone!

It's Thursdaaaay! Which means that it is time for my second 'Health and Fitness' blog post. 

I started eating healthy and exercising exactly two weeks ago tomorrow, and out of those fourteen days I've eaten bad food(chocolate) four times. I don't personally think that's too bad...Although I'm starting to regret it, as it's been two weeks and I haven't really seen any change in my body. Plus I've only lost about a pound. Waaah.

I'm usually able to drop weight quite quickly, and also stick to a reasonably strict healthy diet...but I'm really finding it hard! I've been craving bad food all the time and I constantly feel hungry. As for my exercise, I've been active everyday doing a little bit of cardio but mostly just body weight exercises(Push ups, sit ups etc.) 

Even though its only been two weeks, I absolutely hate not seeing results as it just completely throws me off. But don't worry i'm 100% committed and am not ready to give up!...which is what I usually do.

Hopefully in the next two week I'll start seeing some results and I'm able to say no to all the horrible bad foods that I love so much.

(Source:  Tumblr)



Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Health And Fitness: Getting Started.


So today I wanted to introduce something new and a bit different to my blog.

When I was about 15 I was really into being healthy and fit, but after going through college and pretty much living off junk food that quickly changed. So to encourage me to get back on track and regain my healthy lifestyle, I thought I'd start a little series of blog posts once a week(every Thursday) recording my efforts and giving helpful tips and tricks to those of you who are also looking to start living a healthier lifestyle. 

This first post is basically just an introduction to the series, so I'm sorry it's not too long or interesting; But I will tell you a few things I've done this week to kick start my 'Healthy Lifestyle Journey'. 

First. I'm getting my mum involved as well...just so we both have someone to encourage us, and plus it's always nice to have someone there beside you who knows exactly how you're feeling when you're craving 17 cheese pizzas and 4 tubs of ice cream. 

Second. Me and my mum went out and bought our selves a blender, so we're able to make delicious smoothies for breakfast! And so far, I'm loving it.

Third. I'm trying to integrate more weight lifting into my workouts, as it's a great way to melt off the fat. I've always been so scared of lifting weights as I didn't want to get bulky, but the truth is for a woman to get super bulky..she'd have to be lifting super heavy weights and combine that with a WHOLEEEE lot of protein!

If you're reading this, I really hope that these blog posts are going to be of some help to you; And if you want to start your own little series of 'Health and Fitness' posts on your blog, then make sure to leave a link in the comments so we can be online health and fitness buddies!

(Source: Google)



Sunday, 6 April 2014

Review: LUSH Sunny Side Bubble Bar.

Hello everyone!

So the other night after eating waaaaay too much Ice Cream! To the point where I couldn't even move off the sofa...I decided to dive into my LUSH bag and see what I could use for a nice relaxing soak in the bath. After a good ol' dig round I found this! The 'LUSH Sunny Side Bubble Bar'. I bought it ages ago but must have just forgotten about it...Ooops! But now that I've used it let me just say, it was AMAZING! So here's a little review for you...

First of all, it smells incredible! It's very citrusy and fresh. It's almost like a cross between an orange and a lemon scent. 

Now I'm not going to lie, before I used it I was a bit scared of the glitter. Only because after using the 'LUSH Shine So Bright Bath Melt' last Christmas, the glitter made such a big mess! Both me and the bath were covered in glitter for the next two days. But that wasn't a problem this time around. After draining the bath there was absolutely no glitter left and no glitter stuck to my body once I had got out. 

Apart from the fact that it looked like I had wee'd in the bath, this was honestly one of the most luxurious baths I've ever had! The water looked as though it was mixed with essential oils and the bubbles were thick and packed with glitter. It was beautiful! 

So if you haven't tried this already, please do! I'd highly recommend it! Although if you're buying online do open the packaging carefully to save yourself from being completely cover in glitter.

Has anyone else tried this Bubble Bar? 
